How much costs to build food delivery app?

On-demand food ordering and delivery apps like Grubhub, Postmates, Deliveroo, and Ubereats are making everyone’s life hassle-free. The food ordering platform helps the customers to order food at their favorite restaurants. Customers can find multiple restaurants near their area and order food by cash on delivery / online payment. Are looking forward to entering into the food delivery business, then developing a food delivery app is the best way to start your business. If you want to monetize the latest trends, what you need to do is, refer to a trustworthy food delivery app development company to leverage the power of technology for your organization.

Work structure of on-demand food delivery app

First thing, if you’re ready to start a business like Ubereats you need to combine with nearby restaurants and food vendors to let your users have a lot of cuisines to choose from. All the success of this business highly depends on the combined efforts from the firms and restaurants. 

Many entrepreneurs and business owners don't know to start such a business as they aren’t sure about the factors that impact the cost of food delivery app development.

Once the order has been delivered to the customer, the profit margins are split between the app owner and restaurant owner

Estimated cost to develop an app

Here, we will try and give you an idea of how much it costs to develop a food delivery app like Ubereats.

Come let’s move forward to know more!

From scratch to launching the app there may be a number of factors that together add on to the estimation of mobile app development cost. Depends on the functionalities and features you’re going to add in your on-demand food delivery app. If you come to the cost that charged for the app, to give approximate value, a normal food delivery app may cost around $10000 - $20000. But an experienced app development company may charge $30000 - $40000. 

  • Europe based developers will charge - $30 - $150 /hour 

  • U.S. based developer will charge - $50 - $250 /hour

  • India based developer will charge - $10 - $80 /hour.

This will be the range of costs that professional app food delivery app development companies will charge. From this, your app includes all mobile app design, development of both android and iOS versions of the apps, app testing, and launching apps in the market. Another remarkable point to be noticed that developing iOS apps is slightly less expensive compared to android versions, whereas it requires more testing.

Let us see some basic calculations of  estimated cost & hours that takes for app development,

  • Business logics like front-end and back-end development for an app will cost (Around 400 hours - $7000 to $15000) 

  • UI/UX developer will cost (160 hours - $1500 to $3000)

  • High-level design will cost (60 hours - $1000 to $1500)

  • Quality Assurance will cost (50 hours - $1000 to $2000).

Structure of the team required for development

Without teamwork, nothing is impossible in the development sector. So, based on the real factor every app's user interface wanted to be sleek & clean. For this, hiring a dedicated UI/UX designer is a necessity rather than a choice. A team of skilled two front-end experts, two back-end experts, two iOS developers, two android developers are quite enough to develop a single food delivery app. Based on the client’s requirements the experts will be increased. 


Already you know all online food delivering apps like Ubereats, Postmates, Deliveroo have established their reputation and have reached new heights in the business. By following this business model sure you’ll reach more heights in business and it generates high revenues. 

Entering into the market and executing results similar to Ubereats or other apps would be a challenge. So, developing an app with Ubereats clone script makes you stay ahead of competitors.

Hiring a skilled professional who can have more creativity with innovation to make you stay unique from other competitors will definitely take you to a new level of the business.
