Long Lost Dream Finally Getting Real; Food Chains Embrace NFT Craze


The NFT or non-fungible token growth has been somewhat staggering over the past couple of years; these digital collectible assets have attracted so much attention that they've created a market worth over $10 million, according to a report from Reuters.

It's a new world for many people, but they're impossible to ignore, and now some of the best-known food chains across the country are hungry to get their slice. It shouldn't come as a surprise to see, as marketing experts love nothing more than leaning on other popular cultural trends. From Wendy's roasting people on social media to Starbucks bringing their Unicorn Frappuccino to the table after seeing images of brightly colored foods being shared online. Some of the most loved brands are exploiting the new technology and putting NFTs on their menu too; we've compiled a list of some of those latest offerings below.



The home of the Big Mac is introducing the NFT as a way of thanking its employees and customers for their continued support over in China. They're releasing 188 NFTs as part of a celebration of them being in business in the Far Eastern country for 31 years. The digitized design displays an image of their headquarters titled, 'Big Mac's Rubiks Cube'.


Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut in Canada are taking their slice of the NFT world literally, by somewhat predictably selling digitized pieces of pie called '1 Byte Favorites'; however, they seem to have taken a little inspiration from the world of sport. The buyers of the pizza slices will gain their unique items and access to previously unseen recipes, adding extra value to the purchase. It's akin to the latest offerings that look set to come to the likes of the Brooklyn Nets in the NBA in the form of Socios fan tokens. These are branded digitized items in the colors of the clubs, with the incentive of added extras from exclusive merchandise and to behind-the-scenes access. It enhances the loyalty to the brand, bringing their stakeholders closer to the organization. So, when you read the Chief Marketing Officer for Pizza Hut Canada say their NFT offer allows fans to not only get their hands on a piece of virtual pie but also on their favorite recipes, it sounds a little familiar, right?


Taco Bell

Taco Bell took a different stance regarding their utilization of the NFT; they launched their campaign as a vehicle to raise money for charity. The brand, known for its Mexican-style offerings were the first food outlet to launch its NFT to the public, and they sold images of their most popular food items with great success. The 25 images were snatched off the virtual marketplace by hungry customers, who were all more than happy to get their tacos in support of the Live Más Scholarship through the Taco Bell Foundation. Also, the added incentive was, the purchaser of the token would also receive a $500 electronic Taco Bell gift card.


Final Remarks

Although these are initiatives that companies already used in 2021, with the ongoing interest in NFTs as a whole, it would be surprising if they're not used in marketing strategies throughout the coming year too to raise further revenue. So maybe it could be something you use for your business too? But if you're not thinking of bringing digital tech into your offering, remember to take a look at our previous article here on Foodesoft on how you can enhance your brand in 2022.
