Voice Commerce: A New Off-Premise Ordering Option for Customers


AI is turning around and lives easier with the comfort that it is leading to each area like medical care, tech, advertising, so forth. Additionally, it is also extending its venture into the food-related business for things like restaurants branding awareness, food delivery, food review, food inspection, and online food ordering.

The quantity of applications utilizing voice assistant technology and the use of brilliant speakers like Amazon Echo and Echo Dot, Google Home, or Apple’s HomePod has been magnificent over the last few years. After the pandemic situation getting back to some level of normalcy, voice technology turns out to be more familiar among the older generations and millennials. Despite the fact that voice technology has shown dramatic development in general, its use has enlarged since the pandemic started. Voice assistants have become more typical among customers over time. 

What is Restaurant Voice Ordering?

In numerous ways, voice-assistant technology is similar to a digital app. This technology changes from a simple sign into an advanced sign. The whole process cycle consists of: 

  • Digital database that contains a vocabulary of words

  • Making up speech pattern

  • Syllables

Few brands have been effective in accomplishing complete integration, including the ability to use Alexa and Siri to shop KFC, Domino’s Pizza, PizzaHut, Starbucks, and MarryBrown.

Denver’s Good Times Burger & Frozen Custard has begun implementing voice assistants to its drive-through restaurants starting earlier this year. Chief Rob Carpenter says “ It’s not perfect yet, having a human there is still critical, but we plan to phase them out over the next year”.

Domino’s which presented “Dom” in 2014, has been on top of things with voice-activated ordering. This app takes orders from “Dom”, a computerized male voice. White label delivery app is integrated for both iOS and Android devices, the virtual voice-ordering gives a complete human-like, conversational experience to the users. 

Pros and Cons of Implementing Voice Ordering


  • For individuals with visual hindrances, this can give superior accessibility than using websites. When it is set up, it may take a couple of seconds to place an order, and customers don’t need to sign into their accounts to place one more order of a standard meal.

  • One significant benefit of a voice assistant over a human is that it can retain the menu more rapidly and can transmit the order to the POS without composing anything. As well as having fulfilled customers, restaurants can use this technology to smoothen their operations. 

  • Making restaurant proposals smarter consistently is made possible with the use of voice assistants. Subsequently, a user can demand a meal combination quickly by using a voice-ordering option. 


  • It tends to be trying to give a full menu of 50 - 100 items to customers. The restaurants will in this way focus completely on using voice assistants for re-orders. It could be an easy way to increase existing customer orders with this feature, but it may be difficult to cover new customers, who may not be comfortable to set-up an account and connecting it to a mobile app.

  • Setting up the base is quite expensive. Only a few smaller and traditional restaurants won’t have the option to manage the cost of something similar.

  • You may have a few security issues. People often don’t like to mention their credit card numbers out loud or store their card numbers in a company’s database.

How Domino’s has Integrated Voice Assistants

Domino’s has introduced big screens in 10 of its Michigan drive-thrus. These screens are entirely fit for receiving an order. To purchase, basically move to the screen, pick your order, modify it as per your taste, and pay through an integrated system. 

CEO of Domino’s Mr. Richard E. Allison Jr. said that the restaurants detailed around 80% accuracy in the software recognizing orders, and employees need to step in for around one in five orders. Domino’s planned to involve in the system for quicker, more accurate ordering at drive-thrus.

Voice-Ordering for Restaurants is In-Operative Technology

However, restaurant voice ordering is extremely helpful, yet it is an untapped technology. At present, only less of the country’s biggest food chains, like Domino’s, PizzaHut, and Dunkin’, are exploiting this technology. While 74.2 million U.S. citizens use smart speakers consistently and 62% of speaker proprietors have purchased items through voice commerce, just 7.9% of individuals use voice assistants for food and beverage shopping.


It depends on restaurants to conclude what their functional needs are. For certain restaurants, everything revolves around giving good food to customers, so they don’t prefer to engage in specialized production processes such as voice search technology. 

It is so easy to carry out online business voice search in the restaurant or catering industry once the framework and technology are set up. This is a technology that can be integrated with conventional ordering methods too. Numerous restaurants take orders on this platform and then use more traditional strategies to deliver the item.

