Advantages of Our Online Restaurant Ordering System

We're excited to announce that our online ordering system now supports multi-location eateries.

This implies that many restaurants may be established and maintained under the same roof,

with the significant advantage of sharing menus and promotions. This blog will go through

our multi-restaurant ordering system in further detail.

Why Multi-restaurant Ordering System?

Any restaurant account may be converted to become a member of a chain. Under the shell, we

construct a "parent" account for your brand that combines entire locations together. 

The concept is simple: location parameters (such as an address, operating hours, delivery service,

and so on) are handled by entering each place using the familiar restaurant interface. Common

settings (such as menus and promotions) are managed at the chain level by this parent account.

Menu Management 

There is a component on the dashboard called Menus. You may change your "master" menus and

assign this to all of your locations from here. In this manner, if you make a pricing adjustment,

for example, it is automatically distributed to all restaurant locations.

If not all places can work with a single menu, you can simply duplicate an existing one or start

from scratch to build numerous versions. You may construct as many menus as you like and give

places to them as needed.

Order Management

Manage your menu, set restaurant hours, and most crucially, take orders on your mobile device.

Receive a push notification with a sound alert when a new order arrives on your device. Orders

may be printed directly from your mobile device. 

Delivery Management 

With our delivery management system, restaurants may control their own delivery staff. Orders

can be manually or automatically assigned to drivers. Orders will be received by the drivers via

their mobile apps.

Branded Mobile App for Ordering

The branded mobile app has been enhanced to function "in chain mode."All of the locations are shown under the same app, allowing your customers to select the location

from which to order. 

Customers benefit from a rich ordering experience thanks to the user-friendly mobile app.

By providing deals and coupons, you may turn your clients into loyal customers.

Sales Optimized Website

Finally yet importantly…

One website for each location. This is something you can do right now using our online

ordering system. Each location's admin panel allows you to create a sales-optimized website.
